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The exhibition entitled “Tradition of Non-Conformist Art” presents the private collection of Yosef Badalov, which traces the evolution of non-conformist artists who began their creative path in the underground of the 60s and still continue to work actively.
The formation of this collection started just a few years ago; however, today it already counts more than 150 works. Paintings and graphics (mainly drawings made by painters), sculptures and original porcelain pieces represent three independent but inter-relating sections. The major role in the collection belongs to painting that acts as a unifying medium.
First-ranked in the collection of painting – in quantity as well as quality – is the oeuvre of Eduard Steinberg. It would be right to say that this artist is presented in a monographic way: over 40 painted and graphic pieces of different periods demonstrate his creation at its fullest scope. Also, there are considerable holdings of works by Vladimir Nemukhin and Igor Vulokh. Above that, the collection includes pieces by Alexander Danilov, Alexander Kharitonov, Dmitry Krasnopevtsev, Yuri Kuper, Lidia Masterkova, Leonid Purygin, Oscar Rabin, Anatoly Slepyshev, Boris Sveshnikov, Vladimir Weisberg, Vladimir Yakovlev, Vladimir Yankilevsky, Yuri Zheltov, and Anatoly Zverev.
The collection boasts a varied selection of works by Vladimir Nemukhin: apart from 24 painted and graphic pieces, there are 15 sculptures in bronze, wood, and porcelain, as well as 20 china-wares made after the artist’s sketches.
The section of porcelain testifies to the collector’s interest in one of the “youngest” and “fashionable” trends in collecting. Here decorative porcelain pieces are presented, which were produced after the sketches by non-conformist artists (Lidia Masterkova, Vladimir Nemukhin, Oscar Rabin, Eduard Steinberg, and Vladimir Yankilevsky) and conceptual artists (Pavel Pepperstein and Victor Pivovarov). Porcelain products bring a fresh stream of decorative art into the traditional painterly and graphic fabric of the collection. This section of the collection consists of more than 50 objects produced in a very limited number of copies at famous Russian and international ceramic factories.
It is the first time that Yosef Badalov’s collection is shown in public. It demonstrates that the creation of recognized masters of the “second wave” of avant-garde art is still relevant today. The tradition of non-conformist art hasn’t become a thing of the past, which is confirmed by the works that artists have created recently. As before, these masters stay true to their own independent line in art as well as in life itself.
Dates: September 17 – October 18, 2009
Venue: Moscow Museum of Modern Art at 25 Petrovka Street, 2nd floor
Opening: September 21, 7pm (entrance upon invitation)
Curator: Olga Portnova

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